Since 1993
About Crypto PPARs
100% Bio-Organic Algae with the most complete profiles of all vitamins and minerals that human needs & having the full spectrum of Bio-PPARs Profile that contains all Alpha, Beta & Gamma agonist.
Crypto PPARs contains rich nutrition for the human body, and amazingly its NATURAL components and nutrition ratio is ideal for the specific demands of our body. Crypto PPARS which is rich in proteins and essential amino acids, It contains high amounts of natural vitamins like Beta-carotene, vitamin A, B, C and E, all of which are necessaries to maintain our growth and health. It is also rich in minerals like selenium, which is believed to have anti-cancer properties.
Unlike other animal products or synthetic food, all nutrients of Crypto PPARs are botanical, organic, and are absorbed suitable by the body without side effect. Most importantly, Crypto PPARs contains natural phycocyanin and PPARs agonists.

A Complete Health Supplement
Nutrient Rich Food
It contains high-quality protein, more than 75 nutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and natural bio-organic PPARs.
PPARs is the future
100% bio-organic algae with abundant amount of all three naturally occurring PPARs which is Alpha, Beta and Gamma.
Patented Algae
The algae (Chlorella Sorokiniana W87-10) is patented by International Cryptomonadales Biotechnology Co., Ltd (Taiwan) by Professor Wang Shun Te.
The "one-for-all" functional product. Crypto PPARs is one of the most complete source of phytonutrients, rare minerals, and therapeutic components such as PPARs, Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin, Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), and Anti-oxidants.
Medical Journals
The "one-for-all" functional product. Crypto PPARs is one of the most complete source of phytonutrients, rare minerals, and therapeutic components such as PPARs, Chlorophyll, Phycocyanin, Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), and Anti-oxidants.
Proven Efficacy
Proven efficacy in reduction of blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Crypto PPARs tablet is the first local algae type health food, which obtains the certification (A00066 of Department of Health).